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Contakm Sip x large (PX primaserie)

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We are proud to announce the availability of our new Vespa speedos w/ rev counter and many other functions.




Rev counter/ Speedometer Vespa P80-150X/PX80-200 E/P200E


Ø 85mm, 0-12.000 U/min analog/digital


0 - 199 km/h / 0-125 mph digitall, Ø mph, m/day,


total miles, temperature gauge, clock

Made by KOSO




Understatement is our business - a real hottie, the SIP rev counter is the new scooter dream tool - rev counter and speedometer in one, in original optics that defy comparison.


SIP, working together with a high end instrument company, developed this daring piece of equipment designed to carry the original style into new technical heights. For example, the face of this analog instrument is done in typeface with the km/h display virtually in the same position as the original. Measurements show 12,000, respectively, 14,000 rpm's, scaling is 100 x revs per min. Analog, and for exact displays, also digital. The display is a Black Edition version and practically invisible when the motor is off.




The following information is shown highly visible:


- speeds up to 199 km/h or 125 mph


- temperatures up to 250° C for cylinder head or water temperature, a temperature sensor for spark plugs is included in delivery


- Driving time


Additional options


- display 12,000, respectively, 14,000 rpm's


- total route mileage in km/miles


- driving time


- average speed 0-199 km/h / 0-125 mph




Quick and easy installation. Speed measurements are made in the same manner as the original, requiring no additional sensors. Data reception can also be directed through the lighting. The SIP rev counter can be installed in the same manner as original speedometers. All data is recorded on internal database.


Speedometer functions on 12V AC/DC. No batteries needed! Can be connected to Vespatronic and Parmakit ignition. Adjustment and display changes are easily carried out through just a tip of the finger on the button, which can be mounted inconspicuously on or under the light switch.


Grand Prix feeling: your speedometer displays the hot touch of racing technology with a self test on motor ignition ;-).


Results: The first high end instrument to combine speedometer and rev counter with original optics. Whether on the race track, on extended tours or curving around town, this new classic is at home delivering the goods.




Speedometer 199 kmh / 125 mph 12,000 / 14,000 rpm's


Highest speeds 0-199 kmh / 0-125 mph, rev counter analog/digital 0-14,000 rpm's, temperatures up to 250° C, 24 hour clock, total mileage display, single stretches up to 1,000 km/miles, driving time, average speeds 0-199 kmh / 0-125 mph, includes voltage regulator, temperature sensor installation parts.

These speedo versions are available from next week on:




Tacho / Drehzahlmesser SIP Vespa PX w/ chromering


Tacho / Drehzahlmesser SIP Vespa PX w/ black Ring


- Non dare troppe spiegazioni alla gente. Le persone intelligenti non ne hanno bisogno; gli stupidi non capiranno comunque.
- Se dovessi fare un bilancio delle cose che ho capito del genere umano in 13 anni di forum, tali cose si riassumono in “quasi tutti cercano (solo e sempre) delle conferme a quanto pensano gia’“,
o se preferite: comunicare, ammesso sia possibile, é perfettamente inutile.

[cit Uriel Fanelli]

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- Non dare troppe spiegazioni alla gente. Le persone intelligenti non ne hanno bisogno; gli stupidi non capiranno comunque.
- Se dovessi fare un bilancio delle cose che ho capito del genere umano in 13 anni di forum, tali cose si riassumono in “quasi tutti cercano (solo e sempre) delle conferme a quanto pensano gia’“,
o se preferite: comunicare, ammesso sia possibile, é perfettamente inutile.

[cit Uriel Fanelli]

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:x ma porca la malorsega! ma un contakm figo per le arcobaleno no?!?!! va afinire che me lo fò da me in alluminio con contagiri digit e contakm ciclistico....anzi, con incassotao un Garmin 500 che fa da contakm e navigatore tutto satellitare!


Ho chiesto su SIP, in un topic dedicato a questo contakm, se è previsto anche quello per l'arcobaleno ma, per il momento, sembra di no, tuttavia non lo hanno escluso a priori.

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Ospite Scr@mble

Se si riesce a risparmiare qualcosina, mi unirei volentieri anche io......


Certo che 152 euri sono una bella legnata, ma di sicuro deve essere un bell'oggetto.... :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


:x ma porca la malorsega!


questa mi piace........

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